More than 2,300 presentations are already scheduled for the Society’s 56th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo in Baltimore, Maryland. We now invite you to submit abstracts during the late-breaking submission phase. This final submission phase occurs between Monday, December 5, 2016, and Thursday, January 12, 2017. All abstracts must be submitted online by 11:59 pm EST on January 12. Please visit the Late-Breaking Submission website. An important criterion for abstract submission during this time is that the research must be new and of sufficient scientific importance to merit special consideration after the standard abstract deadline. Abstracts should describe high-impact original research that could not be completed prior to the original deadline. Additional considerations for qualification for acceptance during this final submission phase include:
- All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee and held to the same standards used to evaluate abstracts submitted for the original deadline.
- Your abstract should not be a revision of a previously submitted one that was not accepted unless you received specific communication from the Scientific Program Committee suggesting that resubmission during the late abstract period may be appropriate.
- Scientists who had to wait until after the original October deadline to submit due to funding issues are encouraged to submit an abstract for consideration.
- Not more than one abstract will be accepted by the same presenting author.
All abstracts accepted during this final submission phase will be programmed for Thursday, March 16, from 8:30 AM to 11:45 AM. These abstracts will not be printed in the Program, but they will be accessible through the SOT Mobile Event App. A PDF supplement of the accepted late-breaking abstracts will be available to download via the SOT website prior to the Annual Meeting.
We look forward to welcoming you to Baltimore, and we hope that you will consider submitting your abstracts. Sincerely, Patricia E. Ganey, PhD Chair, SOT Scientific Program Committee SOT Vice President Leigh Ann Burns Naas, PhD, DABT, ATS, ERT Co-Chair, SOT Scientific Program Committee SOT Vice President-Elect