Hello Everyone and Greetings from IUTOX,
I hope my note finds you well!
Below you will find information about various training opportunities. Please feel free to forward this information to your friends and colleagues. There are reminders about the opportunity for participants from developing countries to receive a Training Fellowship (deadline for application soon) and the UNITAR GHS e-Learning course (starting soon).
There are also two new opportunities – a UNITAR e-learning course on Nanosafety and an opportunity to work as a guest scientist at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). Details of this scheme for 10 scientists from other countries to be funded to work at the BfR for a three-month period can be found here!
Reminder – Training fellowships – deadline 30 September 2016
The Chulabhorn Research Institute (CRI) is pleased to call for applications from WHO Chemical Risk Assessment Network members from developing countries for its Training Fellowships to attend the Annual International Training course on Environmental and Health Risk Assessment and Management of Toxic Chemicals, which is scheduled for three weeks in November/December 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. These Training Fellowships are one of the outcomes from the meeting of the Sub-Network of Developing County institutions which took place in December 2015 (Learn more!).
The fellowships cover roundtrip airfare, accommodation (on site) and meals, training materials, and health insurance. Participants should be affiliated with WHO Chemical Risk Assessment Network member institutions in developing countries and have jobs/responsibilities related to assessment of risk from the use of chemicals.
Applications, including a brief CV and a letter of motivation, should be send to the Chulabhorn Research Institute (CRI) using following e-mail address and mentioning Fellowship 2016 in the subject line: envtox@cri.or.th.
The application deadline is 30 September 2016. The CRI will review all applications and inform applicants accordingly.
Reminder – UNITAR e-Learning course (September-December 2016) on classification and labelling of chemicals according to the UN GHS – register by 23 September
Details: Classifying and Labelling Chemicals According to the UN GHS e-Learning course: 26 September – 7 December 2016. Register now on UNITAR’s online events system (open until Friday 23 September 2016). For further information about the course, please contact us at ghs@unitar.org. New animated video for information regarding the course: here!
Reminder – UNITAR Nanosafety e-Learning course (17 October – 4 December 2016)
Details: This e-Learning course provides interested stakeholders with an introduction to the sound management of manufactured nanomaterials. The course has been developed by UNITAR, based on work under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and by other international organizations, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
More details can be found here!
Reminder – Three-month stay as a guest scientist at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)
Details: Please send your application until 1 December 2016 to the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). Check here!
Donna D. Breskin
Executive Director
International Union of Toxicology