56th Annual Meeting and ToxExp – 2017 Society of Toxicology USA Baltimore, Maryland, 12 a16 de março de 2017 Submissão de abstratcs – inicio agosto.
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Scientific Program
Big Data, Meet Chemical Carcinogenesis! Are There New Solutions for an Old Problem?
Cardiopulmonary Consequences of Gestational Toxicant Exposure: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Cell Health and Mechanistic Assays for the In Vitro Prediction of DILI
Chemically Induced Neuroinflammation and “Sickness Behavior” Disorders
Circadian Rhythms in Air Pollution-Induced Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Disorders: A Race against the Clocks
Contribution of Gene Transcription to Spontaneous Mutation and Genotoxic Outcomes
Early-Life Inorganic Arsenic Exposures and Later-in-Life Effects
Emerging Concepts in Nonclinical Development of Immuno-Oncology Agents: Enabling Translation of Nonclinical Pharmacology and Safety Information to First-in-Human Clinical Trials
Enhancing the Clinical Benefit of Cancer Drugs: Toxicity As a Therapeutic Target
Evaluating the Reproductive and Developmental Effects of Botanical Dietary Supplements
In Vitro and Alternative Methods in Ocular Toxicology: The “Eyes” Have It
Increasing Confidence in Safety Assessment Decisions: The Inclusion of Metabolism in Toxicity Testing Strategies
Investigating Metabolic Diseases Using Integrated ’Omics Approach
Lifespan Neuroimmunotoxicology: Age-Dependent Neuroimmune Dyshomeostasis Caused by Pollutants, Pathogens, and Psychoactive Substances
Lost in Translation: Bringing the Real World to In Vitro Data
MiRNAs As Translational Biomarkers of Kidney Injury
Novel In Vitro and In Silico Platforms for Modeling Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity
Organs-on-a-Chip, Tissue Bioprinting, and 3D Cultures: Next Generation Models for Toxicology in the 21st Century
Quantitative Systems Toxicology for Chemical Safety Assessment
The Next Technology Wave: Biosensors, Extreme Computing, and Organ Chips for Predicting Cardiovascular Toxicity
The Skin As A Metabolic and Immune-Competent Organ: Implications for Pharmaceutical Development and Safety Assessment
Translational Control in Disease Progression and Xenobiotic-Mediated Toxicity
Workshop Sessions
3D Cell Platforms to Advance Toxicological Sciences
Anesthetics, Analgesics, and Ionizing Radiation: Balancing Utility and Safety in Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children
Biological Advances to Help Navigate the Nonclinical Safety Assessment Strategy in Cancer Immunotherapy: Utility, Limitations, and Future Direction
Bispecific Molecules: Nonclinical and Clinical Development Challenges
Challenges and Novel Approaches Evaluating Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Biotherapeutics
Circulatory Mechanisms Underlying the Systemic Effects of Inhaled Nanoparticles and Complex Combustion Mixtures: Common Pathways for Diverse Toxicants
Controversies in Pesticide Toxicology
Cross-Industry and Regulatory Approach for the Identification and/or Qualification of Novel Safety Biomarkers of Drug-Induced Vascular Injury (DIVI)
Data Standardization across ’Omics Platforms in Risk Assessment
Evolution of Chemical-Specific Adjustment Factors (CSAFs) Based on Recent International Experience: Increasing Utility and Facilitating Regulatory Acceptance
Fit for Purpose: Using Computational Models for Risk
Improving Public Health through Innovations in Exposure Science
Incorporating In Vitro Reproductive and Developmental Assays into Regulatory Risk Assessment
Is There a Concern for Neurotoxicity from Replacement Organophosphorus Flame-Retardants?: Insights Using Molecular Approaches, Systems Biology, and Human Exposure
Low-Dose Non-Monotonic Responses
Measurement and Prediction of Chemicals in Consumer Products
Microparticles and Exosomes in Cardiopulmonary System: Stem Cell and Microenvironment Regulation by Toxicants
Modernizing Toxicological Risk Assessment for Compounds Released from Pharmaceutical, Consumer, Medical Device, and Combination Products: Alternative Tools and Methods
New Findings on Pyrethroid Developmental Neurotoxicity: An Alternate Approach to Charactering Age-Related Differences to Hazard Identification
Read-Across—At a Crossroads of Regulatory Science and Informatics: Is There Scope to Exploit QSAR Principles to Inform Read-Across Development and Evaluation?
Safety or Prediction? What Is the Future of Regulatory Toxicity Testing?
Scientific, Regulatory, and Safety Considerations for Probiotics and Microbiome Targeted Therapeutics
Roundtable Sessions
Bias and Conflict of Interest in Conducting Research and Risk Assessments: Perspectives from Academia, Government, Industry, and Others
Designing a Carcinogenic Mode-of-Action Research Program Useful for Regulatory Decision Making: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Herbo-Metallic Mixtures in Traditional Medicines
Implementing Developmental Thyroid Toxicity Guidance into Practice: What’s Working, What’s Not, and How Can We Do Better?
Informational Sessions
Addressing Rigor and Transparency in Research and Journal Publications
Advances in Preclinical Safety Testing: Progress in Implementation of ICH Guidances
Communicating Toxicology to the Public
Data Science to Generate Toxicity Signatures
Data Science Tools to Understand Mechanisms of Toxicity
Supporting Open Data in Toxicology
Thresholds of Toxicological Concern: 21st Century Safety Assessment
Education-Career Development Sessions
Careers for Toxicologists at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions: Everything You Need to Know About the Job, Hiring Process, and Strategies for Success in Teaching and Research
Mastering Soft Skills to Advance Your Scientific Career
Historical Highlights Session
NIEHS Superfund Research Program: A History of Cutting-Edge Science and Innovative Technologies