Report: 9th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries and XIX Brazilian Congress of Toxicology

On behalf of the Brazilian Society of Toxicology, I am pleased to report on the CTDC9/XIXCBTOX meeting: Advancing Toxicology Science in Developing Countries. Set in the beautiful beach community of Natal, this was the first time the Brazilian Society of Toxicology hosted an IUTOX Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries (CTDC) and the 19th meeting we’ve organized for our own members. Of note: the very first CTDC meeting was held in Argentina in 1987 and was the only other one held in Latin America. Prof. Dr. Jose Alberto Castro, the organizer of the CTDC meeting in Argentina and one of the original creators of the CTDC concept, served as the Honorary President of our meeting in Natal and provided the keynote address at the Opening Ceremony highlighting the ongoing need to have an international congress devoted to toxicological issues in developing countries.

The scientific program and four continuing education courses covered a broad range of topics including many different areas of toxicology , which attracted nearly 400 professional and student participants and 85 speakers representing 38 countries. Poster sessions featured 400 abstracts and we provided 28 travel awards to junior and senior scientists. Prof. Alice Aparecida da Matta Chasin was presented the Prof. Ester de Camargo Fonseca Moraes Award from CBTOX in honor of her distinguished contributions to the Brazilian Society of Toxicology. Our 41 exhibitors and sponsors were very generous in their support and made the meeting possible.

A highlight of the meeting was a joint session hosted by IUTOX, CBTOX, and the Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists (HOT), a specialty interest group of the Society of Toxicology, USA. Chaired by Elaine Faustman and Emanuela Corsini from the IUTOX Executive Committee; Ofelia Olivero, an SOT Councilor, founding member and past-president of HOT; and Silvia Barros, HOT Councilor, the meeting was designed to understand how the international toxicology community can gather, promote and share toxicological resources throughout Latin America and with developing countries worldwide. About 50 people were present, including Braulio Jimenez, past-president of HOT, and Peter Goering, SOT President. Drs. Olivero and Jimenez traveled to the Congress under the auspices of HOT and the SOT Global Initiatives Fund.

The Congress was preceded by a two-and-a-half-day course titled, Water Security: Integrating Lessons Learned for Water Quality, Quantity and Sustainability organized by IUTOX and CBTOX with support from the International Council for Science (ICSU). Michael Clegg, ICSU Vice-President of External Affairs, addressed the course participants and also provided remarks about ICSU and its mission during the Opening Ceremony of the Congress.

The Congress also brought us two celebrations! IUTOX observed its 35th anniversary in 2015 and CBTOX marked 25 years as an IUTOX member society. To commemorate many years of close collaboration, we hosted a festive anniversary party following the opening ceremony featuring beautiful Forró dancers, hors d ’oeuvres, drinks, and a special anniversary cake and cupcakes. CBTOX and IUTOX worked closely together to plan a successful and memorable meeting and we look forward to working together again in the future!

Silvia Berlanga de Moraes Barros

IUTOX and CBTOX thank the CTDC9/XIXCBTOX distinguished scientists and volunteers for their many contributions to the Congress:

Honorary president

  • José Alberto Castro—President of the 1st CTDC, 1987

Executive Committee

  • Daniel Junqueira Dorta
  • Danielle Palma de Oliveira
  • Ernani Pinto Junior
  • José Luiz da Costa
  • Maria das Graças Almeida
  • Silvia Berlanga de Moraes Barros

Scientific Committee

  • Chairs: Jun Kano (IUTOX) and Daniel Junqueira Dorta (CBTOX)
  • Danielle Palma ​de Oliveira
  • Gisela Umbuzeiro
  • José Luiz da Costa
  • Mauricio Yonamine
  • Tania Marcourakis

International Advisory Committee

  • Ana Boischio—PAHO
  • Daniel Junqueira Dorta—CBTOX
  • Emmanuela Corsini—IUTOX
  • Heidi Foth—IUTOX
  • Ian Kimber—BTS
  • Jun Kano—IUTOX
  • Nursen Basaran—IUTOX
  • Ofelia Olivero—HOT/SOT
  • Peter Goering—SOT
  • Silvia B.M.Barros—CBTOX

IUTOX 9th CTDC Travel Awardees: